Life insurance

Life insurance is the preferred financial investment of the French. It allows you to save money with the aim of passing it on to a beneficiary, and offers a number of advantages: lower taxation, and easier capital transfer. If you are no longer able to repay your loan, the insurer takes over.

At the time of the policyholder’s death, the sums paid to the policy beneficiary do not form part of the deceased’s estate.

If the beneficiary of your policy is your spouse or PACS partner, he or she will not be liable for any inheritance tax, even if you paid into your policy after age 70.

For other beneficiaries, tax treatment varies according to the age of the insured at the time the premiums are paid.

In the event of the subscriber’s death, he or she remains the beneficiary and owner of the funds, and is free to recover the capital and interest whenever he or she wishes.

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