Information meeting : Pension reform
The recent pension reform raises many questions for companies, employees, entrepreneurs and executives alike. Is my generation affected by the reform? Will it still be possible to retire before the age of 64? Early retirement for long or arduous working life: what are the conditions? RUFF & ASSOCIÉS, a Chartered Accountancy and Advisory firm, and PRESCIENCE CONSEILS, an Insurance Brokerage firm, invite you to join us for an information meeting, during which we will present the main lines of thought and practical advice on how best to tackle the deployment of the new regulations.
INFORMATION MEETING: The new pension reform and you
Wednesday, July 5, 2023 | 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm (register via the form below)
RUFF & ASSOCIÉS, Cabinet d’Expertise Comptable et de Conseil, and PRESCIENCE CONSEILS, Cabinet de Courtage en Assusrance, invite you to join an information meeting during which we will present the main lines of thinking and practical advice to best tackle the deployment of new regulations.
It’s a fantastic opportunity… Provided you’re well prepared.
- Is my generation affected by the reform?
- Will it still be possible to retire before the age of 64?
- Early retirement for long or arduous working life: what are the conditions?
Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Location: Le Chesterfield, Av. de la Quiéra 460 Voie B – Lot 62, 06370 MOUANS-SARTOUX
Invitation-only event, you may bring a guest.
Please register each participant individually.
I register via the form below
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In addition to our traditional expertise, Ruff & Associés has developed a wide range of skills. The evolution of the chartered accountancy profession and growing competition in the marketplace only reinforce our need to excel and learn more every day. What if we pursued this quest together? Let’s talk about your wildest desires and bring them to life. Whether in France or abroad, the support of our network of partners is an undeniable asset for the success of your projects.