White papers

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Declarative obligation for property owners 2024
13 June 2024
Since last year, property owners have been required to file a new tax return. As a reminder, the taxe d’habitation has been abolished since 2023 for all principal residences and all taxpayers. However, it remains applicable to other premises, notably second homes and vacant premises. Against this backdrop, in order to identify which premises remain taxable, a new reporting requirement has been introduced for all property owners, both individuals and corporate entities. From now on, all owners of real estate...
Loupe et stylo en gros plan, posés sur des feuilles avec des graphiques, courbes, textes, pour tenter de les décrypter.
Finance Bill 2024: between good news and bad surprises for individuals!
19 February 2024
Measures with a positive impact … : 1 . An inflation-linked increase of 4.8% in the tax scale and the thresholds and limits indexed to the tax scale (such as the decote and the abatement). This will potentially offer a tax cut for those whose income has not kept pace with inflation. These changes will apply to income tax payable for 2023 and subsequent years; 2. The individualized rate will become the norm for married couples or those in a...
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CSR certification for RUFF & ASSOCIÉS
11 October 2023
As part of our Corporate Social ResponsibilityRUFF & ASSOCIÉS, the Côte d’Azur’s leading accounting and consulting firm, is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the bronze medal awarded by Ecovadisthe independent CSR rating organization, placing our firm among the 50% most committed companies in the ranking, and making it one of the leading certified accounting firms in the PACA region. Arnaud Ruff, Partner Chartered Accountant, in charge of the RUFF & ASSOCIÉS CSR Committeecomments: “At RUFF & ASSOCIÉS,...
Focus on the IFI: Direct or indirect ownership?
11 April 2023
The real estate wealth tax can affect both residents and non-residents: However, a “resident” or “non-resident” taxpayer may hold assets in two different ways: directly or indirectly, which means that the basis of taxable assets is determined differently. 1 – DIRECT OWNERSHIP The taxpayer holds the real estate assets in his own name, rather than through a legal entity such as an SCI. In the case of principal residences, the 30% allowance on market value applies only to direct ownership....
Non-professional furnished rental (LMNP): What's the difference between the Micro BIC and BIC Réel schemes?
20 March 2023
You’ve decided to rent out your apartment. Renting furnished premises is subject to income tax in the industrial and commercial profits (BIC) category. But which tax regime should apply to this income, and how do you choose the most advantageous? As a reminder, LMNP status applies to all types of furnished rentals, including : In the case of furnished rentals, the BIC system offers two possibilities: the micro BIC system or the actual system. Understanding these two plans is particularly...
American citizens moving to France: what taxes?
23 February 2023
Many American citizens decide to expatriate to France, particularly for their retirement. The purpose of this article is to clarify the French taxation of US-source income of US citizens. 1 – IN WHICH COUNTRY WILL MY US PENSIONS BE TAXED? France and the United States have signed a tax treaty to avoid double taxation. Under this convention, retirement pensions and payments recognized as such are taxable only in the “payer” country. Thus, US-source pensions are taxable only in the United...
New reporting obligation for property owners
26 January 2023
From January 1, 2023, all owners of built-up property will be subject to a new reporting obligation: the declaration of occupancy of the dwellings they own. This new reporting obligation is carried out via the online service available on impots.gouv.fr in your Private Individual space > “Real Estate” tab. By July 1, 2023, owners of built-up property must provide the following information to the authorities: – How the premises are occupied (personally, by third parties) ; – Nature of occupancy...
15 October 2020
Are you a Youtuber or a web application developer, and feel that tax issues are getting ahead of you? This article is for YOU. Many of you don’t file any tax returns in France, taking a real tax risk. On the one hand, these sums are subject to income tax, and on the other, tax audits of this type of income are becoming more widespread. In this respect, French tax legislation is very clear. As a French tax resident :...